The City of Angels Page 4
Jev was pleased with them.
“Well, I have to practice first. I’ve been away from combat for a long time.”
“Beer?” Gabe offered beer to the men. “This is something to celebrate. We are all happy. We’ve recovered the Supreme Being and Meth has his wings again.
Meth interrupted Gabe.
“And who does the charming little angel who’s running in the garden belong to?”
They all looked each other. Jev felt a strange feeling inside and it was then that he finally understood what that discomfort that he had been experiencing since he had entered the house meant. It was then that he could finally identify the presence. He didn’t recognize her because there was no one else like her in the world. He closed his eyes and let his power free.
Jev didn’t need to go to the garden to see her. Beautiful, with red hair, she smiled and flapped her perfect wings.
Jev suddenly opened his eyes.
“She’s yours.” Jev looked at Uryan, who nodded in agreement. “She’s perfect.”
The Fire Carrier smiled proudly.
“She is.”
At that moment, Enya ran into the room laughing uncontrollably because Nicole was chasing her as she pretended to be the tickle monster.
The other women followed them.
Enya ran to the place where her father stood and hid behind him. But suddenly, she lifted her little head just to see Jev.
Jev bent down and opened his arms.
Enya followed her most basic instinct and feeling the strong connection walked to Jev and then ran into his open arms.
Jev felt happy about having found Lilith. Happy about being with all his boys and about having forgiven Meth, but the happiness caused by the little girl was unique.
He carried her in his arms.
“You’re beautiful.”
“And she smells like cake. I’ve been threatening her all afternoon with putting ice cream on top of her and eating her up,” added Nicole comically when she approached Ralph.
Everybody laughed; Enya too.
“How is it that...?” Jev looked at Evelyn.
She smiled at him sweetly.
“Maybe it was a magical miracle. I don’t know. The only thing I know right now is that it makes me happy knowing that all of you are going to help me to look after Enya until she manages to control her wings.”
Jev caressed the girl’s back and she folded them automatically.
Evelyn looked at him impressed.
Enya smiled at Jev and nodded her little head.
She was more than perfect. Not only had Enya inherited her parent’s powers, but she also understood him telepathically.
Enya’s wings came out again.
“Only in front of us,” Jev told her looking into her eyes and the girl nodded.
“I’m very happy to find you,” Evelyn walked close to Jev and hugged him. “Thanks for teaching her that. We need to have a normal life; if that is possible in this house.”
Everybody laughed.
“I don’t think that we’ll achieve it,” added Cristine.
“Nothing is normal with us.” Gabe hugged Aimée.
“And the beers?” complained Ralph looking at Gabe.
“I’ll go for them,” Meth offered and headed off to get a round of beers for everyone. “To family.”
Everyone looked at each other, smiled while lifting their bottles and said almost in unison.
“To family!”
In this section, I’d like to mention one special person that I promised - like a thousand years ago- that I would finish this story and who, with a great deal of patience, keeps waiting. I had a huge episode of writer’s block with this last story, but everything in life has a solution :) It is finally here, Eli.
Thanks a lot for all your support and for expecting this ending. Maybe without your asking, this would have taken a lot more time to see the light of day. My eternal thanks and I hope this fulfills your expectations :)
To all my dear readers
What did you think of this series? Did you have fun with it? Did you like it? Didn’t you? Why?
I will always be thankful for your support, for your loyalty to my stories, and for sharing with me your experience as a reader. It would be wonderful if you told the entire world that experience. What you liked or didn’t like about this novel. Your reviews are important and encourage other readers to read this or any other story. You don’t need to write something long. An honest review would be appreciated. New readers will appreciate it and I will feel honored with your opinion. Whether I receive a review with many stars or one that lets me know where I am failing.
I always listen to you. And I love to have contact with all my readers. Be sure to follow me on all the social media platforms ;-)
Thank you so much for everything. Without all of you, this wouldn’t be possible!
Happy reading!
Twitter: @gilstefania
Facebook Fan Page: @stefaniagilautor
Instagram: @Stefaniagil
Stefania Gil
Stefania was born in Caracas, Venezuela. She studied Graphic Design and after much soul searching found that writing was her vocation.
Stefania is a self-published author in Romance and the subgenre of Paranormal Romance.
In February 2012 her story “La Heredera de los Ojos de Serpiente” was a winner in the story competition of “Escribe Romántica” and is part of the “Antología de Romance Paranormal de Escribe Romántica” published by Editora Digital.
In June 2012 her story “Amor” was a winner in the literary competition by Lorca and is part of the book “Veinte Pétalos.” The royalties from sales of this book are donated to the Mesa Solidaria by Lorca.
Stefania has collaborated in the digital magazine Guayoyo En Letras in the section Qué ver, leer o escuchar.
Stefania loves to read and everything mystical and paranormal grabs her attention immediately.
She feels a curiosity about things that are beyond mere human sight and perhaps this is what has led her to take classes in Tarot, Wicca, High Magic and Reiki.
Stefania Gil lives in the city of Málaga, Spain with her husband and daughter and from her studio, with views of the sea, she keeps writing to please her readers.
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